
: SHC President Christopher Puto discussed budget cuts that reaffirmed SHC's SACS accreditation through 2026.

Budget Cuts: What It Means for Students

Recent budget cuts for Spring Hill College have left the school in good financial standing for the next few years, SHC President Christopher Puto said. Budget adjustments were a part of SHC’s accreditation review from the Southern Association of ...


Facebook Under Fire

In the U.S., people are guaranteed their right to privacy, but in recent months, this has been an issue due to Facebook. Facebook has made headlines for its vague privacy policies that allowed users to be tracked offline. A federal investigation ...


Students Report Hit-and-Runs

In recent months, students have come forward with reports of hit-and-runs on campus. Students have walked to their cars after classes only to find that their cars have been dented and scratched. While students are upset about the cosmetic damages,...


A Preview of Homecoming on the Hill

Spring Hill College will be welcoming alumni for Homecoming on the Hill on April 13-15. The weekend will include several events like a Bay Boil, All Class Cocktail Reception and Greek Gathering. The weekend is meant to reunite graduates whose cla...


People Mourn the Loss of Stephen Hawking

The loss of influential figures is inevitable. It seems as though every year we find ourselves remembering the successes of some of the world’s most beloved actors, athletes and musicians. Now, we remember the life of world-famous physicist Stephe...
