
Admissions Shares Updates & Goals

Blake Flood: Dr. Lee with Easton Hollis and a prospective student
Dr. Lee with Easton Hollis and a prospective student

At this time of year, the Spring Hill College Office of Admissions is in full force as it tries to show potential students why the Hill should be their new home.

Vice-President of Enrollment Management Gary Bracken said his office has specific objectives for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. “Targets for next year are 112 athletes overall, 66 non-athlete transfers and 196 non-athlete freshmen for a total of 374 incoming students,” he said. “That would probably be an estimated 8-percent increase over last year for total students. In order to reach this goal, we are shooting for 1,800 applications, with 1,200 of those being admitted.”

As a national trend, however, attracting prospective students for visits can prove difficult for a college. Theresa Bertini, Assistant Director of Admissions, said, “Statistically students have been visiting colleges less and less. They don’t show up as much to campus tours that are even in their neighborhoods. We are hopeful, though, considering 80 percent of students who signed up for the most recent Badger Day, showed up. Those who didn’t come weren’t able to because of weather conditions and reasons out of our reach.”

SHC held Badger Day events for prospective students on Oct. 18 and Nov. 11 during the fall semester. Two additional events are scheduled for the spring semester.

In terms of students who are visiting, they are enjoying their time on campus. Springhillian (student tourer), Regina Gomez said, “Students are excited about Spring Hill. They find it comforting how it’s small and compact. One student, in particular, was so excited she was ready to start classes here immediately.”

As the spring semester approaches, John-Michael Rogers, assistant director of Admissions, said the goal right now is “getting students to campus. Right now we are pushing students to apply. The last part of the equation is, visit and make this place your new home.” 

According to data posted by SHC’s Office of Institutional Research, the total enrollment of the college as of this fall is 1,317. The same office reports that SHC brought 345 new students to the campus as the fall semester began. That number included 292 freshmen and 53 transfer students.



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