
SHC Director of Public Safety Addresses the Speed Bumps on Campus

: With so much pedestrian traffic on the campus, speed bumps are necessary, some say.
With so much pedestrian traffic on the campus, speed bumps are necessary, some say.

Spring Hill College has a multitude of speed bumps throughout campus, in all different shapes and sizes. Some of these speed bumps are larger than others, causing the bottoms of many students’ cars to scrape the speed bumps. Students have been questioning whether or not these larger speed bumps are the proper height and width, based on how difficult it is to drive over them.

Many students do not understand why the speed bumps are not the same throughout campus, and if they should be as abrupt as they are. Director of Public Safety Todd Warren has offered some insight on the campus’ speed bumps. “Unfortunately they’re a necessary evil,” Warren said, “There isn’t a standard speed bump design.” He explained that the reason the speed bumps are of all different shapes and sizes is due to the fact that they were all added at different times, and all built for the areas that they are in.

Some speed bumps are in certain areas of campus where complaints have been received regarding students speeding in these areas. Warren explained that it is necessary to have speed bumps throughout campus, as there are many pedestrians alongside the main roads. “I don’t necessarily like them either,” he added, “…they are hard on the cars, but they do work, they do slow people down, and they do keep us all safer.”

Spring Hill Junior Taylor Lewis says that although these speed bumps can be obnoxious, they are there to keep students and others safe. Lewis says that she is actually a fan of Spring Hill’s speed bumps. “I think they’re necessary on this campus because there’s one road that just goes throughout our campus and if they weren’t there I think it would be pretty dangerous for all the Spring Hill moms and dog walkers and students walking to class,” Taylor explained.

For more on speed bumps and other news and events around the hill, click here.

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